He’ll rule no more

“A Lie Is Halfway Round the World Before the Truth Has Got Its Boots On.” That seems to apply to the ratings headlines about the funeral of Elizabeth Windsor.  Papers like the Daily Mail, but other sources that are genuine news outlets, repeated that 5 billion would watch the funeral.  Given the population of theContinue reading He’ll rule no more

And now open your eyes and see what we have made is real

I have said before that I hate musicals.  Except Grease, which I saw twice at the cinema when it came out.  My sister, Alison, and I were taken to see it by my stepmother (my brother, Mike, and other sister opted for something else instead).  This was not my usual kind of film, but itContinue reading And now open your eyes and see what we have made is real

For Peace and Trust Can Win the Day-

I am sure that the European haters that exist in the UK are up in arms in about the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) stopping the Rwandan flights.  Here is some information that might help understand what has happened and why this is not the European Union’s fault, despite this government trying to refightContinue reading “For Peace and Trust Can Win the Day-“

Phony Beatlemania has bitten the Dust

The second appearance of Mick Jones in the top ten (https://wordpress.com/post/fivemilesout.home.blog/2339 ) as part of the most credible, ethical and fuck the establishment band that ever-had mainstream success – The Clash.  They were almost legendary figures as they were not on TV.  They released singles and refused to have them on albums not to ripContinue reading “Phony Beatlemania has bitten the Dust”

My heart rushes through my brain

It might be hard to believe but there was a time when Bruce Springsteen was not only unknown in the UK, but even a lot of the people who had heard of him were quite dismissive.  In the UK he had minor hits from The River album that I heard on evening radio, they evenContinue reading “My heart rushes through my brain”

It Flies Sideways Through Time

It is funny to have two songs on this list with Lemmy as a vocalist.  Lemmy from Motorhead.  Lemmy with a voice like gravel combined with misaligned gears. He was in Hawkwind – a band that has existed for 50 years with a rotating line up, styles changing all the time.  I only really loveContinue reading “It Flies Sideways Through Time”

She ain’t no human being

Are you a citizen of the UK or a subject in the UK? Whatever you think it is the latter.  We are not even citizens of our own country we are all subjects of the monarch. I remember Princess Anne’s wedding, but it was Charles and Diana’s wedding that annoyed me first.  Not only theContinue reading “She ain’t no human being”

And I’ve travelled many days to reach this place to make my stand

The Electric Light Orchestra were everywhere in the 1970s.  Jeff Lynne’s love of The Beatles manifested itself in the band – originally Roy Wood was the “biggest” member but after two albums (imaginatively titles ELO and ELO2) Wood left and Lynne fused classical music with melodic pop (including a lot of strings) to make OnContinue reading “And I’ve travelled many days to reach this place to make my stand”

Just To Help Me Dry Those Tears I’ve Cried

They built the Grafton Centre after I left Cambridge University.  It was on the other side of Cambridge from my College so I probably would not have visited it much anyway but it had a Forbidden Planet, so I would have made some trips.  At the end of my PE2 revision course (https://fivemilesout.home.blog/2020/10/16/to-reach-too-high/ ) IContinue reading “Just To Help Me Dry Those Tears I’ve Cried”

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