And now open your eyes and see what we have made is real

I have said before that I hate musicals.  Except Grease, which I saw twice at the cinema when it came out.  My sister, Alison, and I were taken to see it by my stepmother (my brother, Mike, and other sister opted for something else instead).  This was not my usual kind of film, but itContinue reading And now open your eyes and see what we have made is real

You know you’re missing out on something

I was lent Namaste London to watch years ago as an example of a good Bollywood film.  Quite apart from the hilarious scene where the male lead takes the female lead to see Charles and Camilla, pulling up outside Buckingham Place with them waving, I found the sporadic breaking into musical numbers totally off putting. Continue reading “You know you’re missing out on something”

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