Brother help me please

If you want to talk about something then you need to actually study it properly.  If you don’t then you should shut up.  I am thinking about the government’s report on race issued last week which has been seized on to say that racism isn’t that bad and young people should shut up and beContinue reading “Brother help me please”

Compelled, but not defeated

Compelled, but not defeated Do you know when it became illegal for the British Police to behave in a racist fashion?  Answer below. This is the second track by a group recommended by my current boss (there was an earlier entry on The War on Drugs). They are the best group you have probably notContinue reading “Compelled, but not defeated”

Because we’ll see the mountains tumble

1945 to 1965 – the baby boomers.  The result of post-World War 2 happiness and, later, prosperity.  My Dad was born 10 months before the start of this and I was born 8 months after this, I always think one of us ought to be a Boomer but we do not fit.  My Mum isContinue reading “Because we’ll see the mountains tumble”

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